Saturday, June 8, 2019

Running to catch up!

We are about 14 days behind schedule right now. First, the weather in Junction City delayed us doing a lot of things to the RV which we needed to get done, and also the hail storms made holes in our roof vent covers which needed additional work to repair. So we left home later than we had originally planned to arrive at Lake Sherando.
 We finally left Junction City on Tuesday 4th June, after loading up the car on the tow dolly and getting air in the tires of the RV. We stopped after about 50 miles to check the car was secured and that the straps were still tight. All seemed good so we set off again. We did a few more miles and I noticed the voltmeter was reading about 10 volts instead of 13-ish. So we pulled off at Topeka and stopped at O'Reilley's Auto Store and had the batteries checked.  One was dead so we got that replaced. Cost around $100. But the voltmeter still read low so we stopped at Lake Shawnee for the night to charge the batteries. We checked the alternator too, which meant removing the inside engine cover (dog house?) and sure enough, the altimeter was not working.
We called O'Reilley's and found that there was a correct type alternator at their other store, about 4 miles away. So off we went in the car to pick it up before they closed at 10pm. That was Wednesday. Thursday, Ric spent all day getting out the old alternator. And Friday he spent the day fitting the new one. And this morning we finished and tested it and it all seems to work. We have a slight squeak, but we are getting the right voltage to the batteries now. We were just too tired and it is too hot to go through the process of loading the car onto the tow dolly. So, we are spending another night at Lake Shawnee and plan to get going early in the morning.
Lake Shawnee is a beautiful place to camp. $20/night for the RV with full hook-ups, which we got for $18 with our senior discount. We have spent 5 nights here, which was unexpected but it has been a great place to camp.
Ric working on the Battery Charger 

The Charger Unit - works well even upside down

The old faulty Alternator
The Engine under the Dog House

And these are some shots of Lake Shawnee site

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